A-Aw awtzeyun11@hotmail.com
N-Nick killrz94@hotmail.com
A-Alan OhMyAngle_94@hotmaill.com ..RaZerCrew_3G@live
K-Kaishin angelofdeath243@hotmail.com
A-Ameline luckymeline@hotmail.com
S-Serra Serra01668076725@hotmail.com
A-Amanda manda_lsf@hotmail.com
M-Mica micatalban@hotmail.com
ANAKASAM has also a meaning=means cool babies lost in space finding sour food>.<
This blog was created at 5:14PM 10 Junuary 2009 by Alan....=.='
Some of the Anak`s are not here cause they migrated overseas so this are some pictures of them
migrated to
you hav fun there
Kai shin migrated to
sigapore hope u enjoy
ur new school bro
Well that`s all there photo and sry abt Kai shin`s photo cause he does not hav a picture of him so this is the onli 1=d...sry bro
well thats all from me 2day wel be uplouding alot of of photos=D
Alan`s new puppy
Hey all i bought this puppy like for Rm800 so this are some picture of it=D